Monday, March 26, 2012

so blessed.

Last week I found myself having coffee with a man who was looking for a job.  My job was to get the paperwork started so we could begin to help.  As with many of the people I work with, he’s been through quite a few ups and downs and he has a real barrier to finding employment.  But he’s willing to try.

I walked away from that meeting feeling so blessed.  I hear so many stories like his each month, but there are times when it just hits me.  I am so blessed.  I just got in my car as I drove to the next meeting and thanked God for all He has been doing and all He has provided.  I have a job.  I have family who loves me.  I have friends who still like me even when I am not that great of a friend.  I have a church that calls me to have a deeper relationship with God and to move forward instead of sitting down, which sometimes sounds easier.  I have more than enough in so many areas of my life.  I really have no right to complain about the things I feel like I ought to have.  I get to take a three week vacation in just a couple of weeks.  Three weeks.  Yeah.  I am so blessed.

I had literally just come home from a three day adventure across California, in which I saw my favorite band twice and had lunch with my dad.  Not only did I see that band, (no, it couldn’t have been that band NEEDTOBREATHE...oh no, definitely not...)  I got to have that dinner with them! Some people think that because I work on their street team that I have special privileges.  I don’t.  Not really.  I am just as much of a fan girl as everyone else.  I just happen to get to be a part of the team promoting them.  And it means that they know me a little better than the rest of their fans.  Like when Joe walked right to me to say hi.  No big deal, right?  (And for those reading this and wondering if they are coming back to SLO...I’m working on it.  We may or may not have repeatedly brought it up during dinner.  I won’t take full credit if they return soon, as Joe said it himself that the SLO shows were some of his favorites, but I can say that I will have done my part.)

This is Bear. He is crazy good at what he does, which is rock n' roll.
I left their shows only feeling like I needed more...they are that good.  They keep getting better and better!  I don’t understand how they are not utterly famous yet.  All in good time, I suppose.  Anyway, all that to say I’m blessed.  I get to do things like that, going to shows and promoting my favorite musicians.  

And in two weeks, I’ll be in Florida.  I will get to visit friends, go to Disney World, see Dave Barnes and then NEEDTOBREATHE (yes, again.  You aren’t surprised, are you?), travel through 5 states, RELAX, and have fun.  So so blessed.  

It’s during times like these that I need to remember that God loves to bless His children.  I need to enjoy the good things that come along instead of wondering when the shoe is going to drop and the good fades away.  That’s like receiving a gift and telling the gift giver “thanks, but I know it’s going to break in a few maybe you shouldn’t have bothered.”  Can you imagine?  But I do that when I refuse to enjoy the good God gives me.  I essentially expect Him to take it away just as I am enjoying it.  That’s not His heart.  So, I’ll keep reminding myself, I am so blessed.

Yes, I might have squealed a little when Bo replied to my tweet.  This has never happened before.

And then Seth liked my photo and commented on it.  If this doesn't prove I am a typical fan girl, seeing that I took pictures of these occurrences to show you...well, then. I don't know what to tell you.
 What's been a blessing in your life recently?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Seeing that I am interested in getting married someday soon, I've been reading lots of articles about dating, marriage, etc.  It is good to pay attention to topics of interest and things you want to do well.  I am not an expert at dating or marriage, but I'd like to think I am doing a good job of learning about it.  Lately, articles I've read have been focused on the man's part- letting go of "friend girls", being the pursuer, why men aren't either going to church or that the ones that are do not lead.  I've read so much information that I've observed, but as a woman, feel like there is little I can do to help bring change.  Today I read an article that focused more on women and what some of them do that hinders them in their desire for marriage.  I was grateful to see that God had worked on these things with me already...but it still got me thinking.

One of the things noted was that women will often desire the wrong things in a husband, blinding them to the deeper, more important things of the heart.  Things like physical attraction can distract woman from seeing that a man may not have the kind of character best suited for her.  I've never been that girl.  In fact, I mostly thought of this as a "guy requirement".  But as I thought about it, I've heard women say that they want a husband whose face they'd like to look at for the rest of their lives. When I look at my "list", there are very few physical attributes listed, and even those are not very specific.  I've found over the years that the men I find attractive are attractive to me because of their character and personality.  Men who I might not have initially noticed but have the kind of character I am seeking can become very attractive, while men who might've caught my eye with their looks will fade in attractiveness if they lack those qualities.  If I happen to be interested in a man who is found to be very attractive, it is because he has proven that he is a man of character. 

I trust that I will be attracted to my husband, regardless of how he lines up to the world's standards.  It sometimes boggles my mind how men operate so differently.  I know God has a purpose in creating men to be visual...but I have to admit that not only has this been a source of discouragement but also frustration.  Again, it goes deep to the heart of insecurity that says I am not attractive enough and therefore because I "don't meet the standard" somehow that means it won't happen.  Of course, God is working on this very issue with me.  I know that simply because I don't know of any men (nor haven't in a long time) who are attracted to me, it DOES NOT MEAN that no one ever will.  In fact, it's the very process of how God brings a man and woman together that shows me how absolute He is.

So, where do you rank physical attractiveness in importance?  Character?  Am I in the minority or majority of women?  If you happen to be a guy reading this, feel free to add input! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today's lunchtime post is brought to you by the band called Citizen!

I was there the day Citizen had its first performance as a band.  It was a crowded room on New Year’s Eve, and Citizen was the main entertainment for the night.  I loved one of their songs so much that I pulled out my phone to capture part of it, even though I knew it would be poor quality.  It was January 1, 2009 and that song was “Heaven Bound”.  A few years later, that song is FINALLY recorded and almost in my hands.  It’s been a journey for them, one that I feel is really just beginning.  I can’t wait for their second EP release!

The people in Citizen are people I call friends.  I’ve had the privilege of singing with all of them in our church’s worship teams over the years.  I know they are talented.  But I also know their hearts.  They love Jesus so much and they want to write music that impacts people.  They sum it up best when they say, “We believe what we sing & sing what we believe...”

You can check them out at a few places, as they have strewn pieces of their new EP across a few sources.  (Try HERE and HERE) My favorites for the new EP are “Heaven Bound”, “Restart”, “Love is the Anchor” and “Sunrise”.  You’ll have to check them out and let me know your favorites.  Make sure to like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter too!

Friday, March 9, 2012

this just happened...

My co-worker and I both have Siri on our phones and for a little Friday fun, he decided to have Siri call him a few ridiculous things, as Siri will respond to you by name.  You can ask her to call you anything you want.  Here's how this went down:

Co-worker: Call me Rock God
Siri: From now on, I'll call you Rock Goo
Co-worker: No
Co-worker: Call me Rock God
Siri: From now on, I'll call you Rock God
Co-worker: Call me Sup
Siri: From now on, I'll call you Suck
Co-worker: No
Co-worker: Call me Sup
Siri: From now on, I'll call you Suck
Co-worker: Call me Su-up

Siri: From now on, I'll call you Suppa
Co-worker: No
Co-worker: Call me Sup-p-p

Siri: From now on, I'll call you Sucker
Co-worker: No

Let's just say I was crying tears of laughter...


Monday, March 5, 2012

lunchtime letters

Today's post is inspired by Megan at Mackey Madness, as she wrote her own letters last week. :)

Dear Cold- Stop your assault on my body, especially my nose.  One week has been more than enough.

Dear Coffee- Thank you for your warm goodness on this Monday.  And your abundance, seeing as I have had two cups already...

Dear Hunger Games trilogy- You were crazy intense and good.  Why can’t there be more to feed my fiction addiction?  And can it be March 23rd yet so I can go see the movie?

Dear Girl Scouts- Why do your cookies have to be so good and yet so terrible for you?  Stop looking so adorable when you ask me to buy them...

Dear Laundry- Why can’t you wash and dry and put away yourself?  I’d appreciate it...

Dear Roommate- Thank you for wearing the same size in shoes and having awesome taste in shoes. (and really there are a bunch of other things too but I am wearing your boots, so I thank you for that.)

Dear Pandora- Thank you for creating enjoyable music stations that my co-worker and I can listen to as we slave away at work.

Dear Jesus- THANK YOU. You know what for...

Dear NEEDTOBREATHE- I am trying not to be too bummed that you are not coming to SLO on this tour, and that I am having to travel to see you.  From what I’ve heard though, your shows are only getting better and you picked Ben Rector to open for I am somewhat okay with this.  I will never stop asking you to come back though.

Dear Gas Prices- I’m gonna have to ask you to stop increasing.  I know you are the reason I bought my hybrid, but even I cringe when I see how high you are getting.

Happy Monday!